Meet our Board Chair: Terry Ostergaard…

Terry Ostergaard

Instrument(s): Gavel, Percussion

First performance with the band: February 5, 1978

What I like most about playing: I’m not a soloist. I prefer playing in diverse, exciting groups in a vital and supportive role (and roll).

My favorite musical memory: Performing with composer Norman Dello Joio and saxophonist Eugene Rousseau.

A fun fact about myself: Too many interests and not enough time. Woodworking, music, antique mechanical instruments, computers, ancestry, family, cooking, and performing, in no order.

Three words I would use to describe Salem Symphonic Winds: Innovative, Stimulating, Topical and Thought Provoking

Short Bio: Professional performer since 1962, Country Western, Classical, Big Band, and Jazz. Private, Elementary, High School and College Teacher, Spouse, and Father.


Meet our Archivest Diane Ostergaard…


Meet our musicians: Mandie Ramon…